OIC Statement on Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group

June 24, 2010

For Immediate Release
Contact: Eric London
June 9, 2010

Today, a group of leading broadband and technology companies announced plans for a voluntary Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group. The OIC issued the following statement from its Executive Director, Markham Erickson:

“The OIC believes this announcement is a positive step. It will help protect the openness that has been part of the Internet’s DNA through voluntary industry activity. However, we strongly feel as with all self-regulatory regimes, this can only be effective with a legal backstop to enforce voluntary industry rules at the FCC. Without such a backstop, this approach will be toothless and ultimately ineffective. The OIC continues to support quick action at the FCC to clarify the Commission’s legal authority under a “third way” approach, and to move forward with open Internet rules that protect consumer choice.

“We also encourage the group to include consumer representation as it is critical for broadband users to have a voice in this process.”

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