Statement by Open Internet Coalition On FCC Internet Openness Rulemaking

October 22, 2009

Markham Erickson, Executive Director of the Open Internet Coalition, released the following statement:

"Today’s vote was the first step toward establishing enforceable protections for consumers accessing the Internet. Under the Chairman’s leadership, we have cleared the first hurdle in this process, and are on the road towards creating a framework that promotes innovation and consumer choice on the Internet.

"While we saw increasingly heavy handed lobbying that attempted to obfuscate this issue over the past week, today’s vote showed that these tactics are counterproductive. Rather than trying to torpedo a process backed by a broad group of innovators and consumers, telcos should engage in the rulemaking with objective evidence making their case.

"We look forward to participating in this process over the next few months. Our coalition will work to help build a strong record for the Commission to consider as it drafts a final rule."

About the Open Internet Coalition: The Open Internet Coalition ( represents consumers, grassroots organizations, and businesses working in pursuit of a shared goal: keeping the Internet fast, open and accessible to all Americans.