

05/07/2008 - Scott Savitz, Chief Executive Officer-, testified before the United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 6, 2008

07/12/2007 - "iPhone Hearing" draws calls for openness in wireless networks
Congressmen Ed Markey and Charles Pickering call for openness in wireless networks in "iPhone Hearing".

05/02/2007 - Ben Scott, Policy Director at Free Press, testified before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 24, 2007
Coalition partner urges the Senate to undertake a wide-ranging inquiry into options that will lead to a comprehensive national broadband policy. See Senate Testimony by Ben Scott, Policy Director at Free Press.


06/20/2007 - Open Internet Coalition Comments in the Matter of Broadband Industry Practices
The FCC should act now to address inherent, structural problems in the broadband market to prevent them from developing into intractable regulatory problems in the future.

05/01/2007 - OECD Broadband Statistics through December 2006
Latest report places US 15th out of the 30 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations in per capita broadband use.


04/13/2009 - OIC Letter to Cabinet Officials in Support of Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
The Open Internet Coalition, including the undersigned entities, strongly support the provisions of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (“BTOP”), which is included as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (“the Stimulus Act”) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009.

02/03/2009 - Letter to Majority Leader Reid and Republican Leader McConnell in Support of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
The Open Internet Coalition strongly supports the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan to expand high-speed Internet access for rural and other underserved areas to connect to the global economy through advanced broadband networks. This bill recognizes the importance broadband Internet plays in economic growth as well as critical advances in education and health care, and is a strong step toward fulfilling the vision of President Obama.

01/23/2009 - Letter to Chairman Waxman Supporting Stimulus Package
The Open Internet Coalition strongly supports the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill to expand high-speed Internet access for rural and other underserved areas to connect to the global economy through advanced broadband networks. This bill recognizes the importance broadband Internet plays in economic growth as well as critical advances in education and health care, and is a strong step toward fulfilling the vision of President Obama.

01/22/2009 - NATOA’s Broadband Principles
The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) believes a national broadband strategy requires open access networks and net neutrality. Click to learn more about NATOA’s broadband principles.

09/10/2008 - Letters to Senators Kohl, Inouye, Hutchison, Klobuchar and Rockefeller on the state of competition in the Wireless industry
More Americans are accessing the Internet over wireless devices than ever. Consumers Union and Consumer Federation of America highlight the lack of price competition in the wireless data marketplace in letters to Senators Kohl, Klobuchar and Rockefeller.

02/14/2008 - Comments to FCC on Comcast Docket
The Coalition is troubled by the recent revelation that at least one major broadband network operator, Comcast, was degrading and in some cases effectively blocking peer-to-peer Internet traffic.

11/01/2007 - Complaint to FCC by Coalition
The Coalition joined legal scholars to file an official action urging the Federal Communications Commission to stop Comcast from meddling with your ability to connect and share information.

10/03/2007 - Letter to Sen. Stevens Calling for Hearings on Anti-Consumer, Anti-Free Speech Actions by Telco and Cable Companies

07/18/2007 - Letter to FCC detailing the "four opens" of successful open access

07/18/2007 - Open Internet Coalition Asks Congress to Support S. 1492, the Broadband Data Improvement Act
Open Internet Coalition Asks Congress to Support S. 1492, the Broadband Data Improvement Act.

07/18/2007 - Letter in Support of Substitute to S. 1492
The Open Internet Coalition supports a substitute amendment that enacts the provisions of The Broadband Data Improvement Act.

07/17/2007 - Senators Dorgan and Snowe show support for Net Neutrality
Senators Dorgan and Snowe call Net Neutrality "crucial to the democracy and economic growth to the United States" in comments submitted to the FCC.

06/13/2007 - Letter to the FCC requesting opening the market for set-top boxes
The Open Internet Coalition urges the FCC to adopt a policy that favors consumer choice and the principle of open networks over the restrictive practices of cable companies.

05/24/2007 - Letter to Congress from Open Internet Coalition
The Open Internet Coalition urges Congress to immediately adopt a national broadband policy to provide universal, affordable access to high-speed Internet connections for all Americans.

05/23/2007 - Reply Comments to FCC about Text Messaging and Short Codes being Subject to Non-Discrimination Rules
The Open Internet Coalition urges the Commission to grant the Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed by Public Knowledge and other consumer groups and make explicit that text messaging and short codes are subject to a nondiscrimination rule under Title II, or, in the alternative, pursuant to the Commission’s Title I ancillary jurisdiction. By doing so, the Commission would protect the speech interests of wireless consumers and would provide greater assurance to entities seeking to use short codes that they will be treated fairly.

The Open Internet Coalition stands for:

An Open Internet
Access to broadband networks should be open to all producers and consumers of Internet content on fair and equal terms.

Universal Affordable Access
Broadband Internet access should be universally available and affordable. 

Quality through Competition
A competitive marketplace creates jobs, helps the American consumer, fosters innovation, and drives economic growth.