Speech and Democratic Engagement Linked to the Open Internet

December 15, 2009

For Immediate Release
Contact: Eric London, Open Internet Coalition:
December 15, 2009

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will hold a staff to examine the relationship between Internet openness, speech and participation in our democracy. Witnesses will include a diverse group of writers and activists. The workshop will be broadcast at 1 pm ET at .

Markham Erickson, Executive Director of the Open Internet Coalition, issued this statement regarding the workshop:

“The Internet is the most important platform for free speech and expression since the development of moveable type. It has offered a very low cost way for like-minded individuals – from the Netroots to the Tea Party movement – to speak out, organize, and influence politics and policies without first asking and receiving permission from giant media conglomerates. This is a key reason why it’s so critical for the FCC to act to protect non-discrimination on the ‘Net and ensure that the powerful phone and cable companies are not permitted to put up new toll roads on the Internet that would silence many non-profits, political and social organizations, and individual bloggers.

“Today’s FCC workshop will highlight why it’s important to prevent a handful of network operators from holding the power to discriminate against speech, and illustrate why simple Internet openness rules of the road are necessary to protect the ability to speak out and be heard.”

About the Open Internet Coalition:  The Open Internet Coalition (http://www.openinternetcoalition.org) represents consumers, grassroots organizations, and businesses working in pursuit of a shared goal: keeping the Internet fast, open and accessible to all Americans.

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