OIC Praises Senate Letter Supporting FCC Notice of Inquiry

June 15, 2010

For Immediate Release
Contact: Eric London
June 15, 2010

Today, four Senators on the influential Committee on Appropriations released a letter to Chairman Inouye and Ranking Member Cochran opposing any effort to block the FCC from using its authority to implement the National Broadband Plan and protect consumer choice.

Markham Erickson, Executive Director of the Open Internet Coalition, issued the following statement:

“On Thursday, Chairman Genachowski will initiate a proceeding to review the FCC’s legal authority to extend broadband to all Americans and ensure consumer choice is protected. Today’s letter makes it clear that any attempt to short circuit this process is unwarranted and inappropriate. Our Coalition appreciates this intervention by Senators Kerry, Cantwell, Udall and Wyden, and looks forward to working with both the FCC and Congress to support the idea of open, accessible, ubiquitous and affordable broadband for all.”

About the Open Internet Coalition: The Open Internet Coalition (openinternetcoalition.com) represents consumers, grassroots organizations, and businesses working in pursuit of a shared goal: keeping the Internet fast, open and accessible to all Americans.