OIC Files Reply Comments in Open Internet Proceeding

November 04, 2010

On November 4, the Open Internet Coalition filed reply comments in the FCC's Open Internet Proceeding. In its comments, the OIC urges the Commission to "act quickly and decisively to adopt rules that will protect an open and robust Internet ecosystem." The OIC believes these rules should be "technologically neutral and consistent across broadband platforms."

In addition, the OIC believes there is uncertainty over what should be included under a category of prioritized, specialized services, but if the Commission does move forward to define such a category, non-discrimination rules should be applied to protect against anti-competitive conduct.

The full comments are available here.

About the Open Internet Coalition: The Open Internet Coalition (openinternetcoalition.com) represents consumers, grassroots organizations, and businesses working in pursuit of a shared goal: keeping the Internet fast, open and accessible to all Americans.